Once logged in, the article directory script administrator is taken to the administration dashboard where every aspect of the article directory web-site can be controlled.
From the administrator dashboard all settings can be accessed and controlled plus any modules and premium modules install will be available in this section. The administrator's dashboard home page also displays some critical statistics for the article directory script.
The widgets module is also available from the administrator's dashboard, here the web-site administrator can use the drag n drop user interface to visually re-position article directory content on any page.
From within the articles management module section inside the administrators control panel, the web-site administrator can manage every aspect of their article directories articles and articles authors.
The article directory data, extracted from the database via secure PDO, is laid out visually to ensure that the web-site administrator can easily see, at a glance, the status of any published, pending, draft, featured, banned or premium articles.
From within this section the web-site administrator can also control article comments, article categories, article authors and create a new article which can be assigned to any article author.
From within the blog management module section inside the administrators control panel, the web-site administrator can manage every aspect of their blog.
The blog data, extracted from the database via secure PDO, is laid out visually to ensure that the web-site administrator can easily see, at a glance, the status of any published, pending, draft, featured or premium blog posts.
From within this section the web-site administrator can also create new blog categories and manage blog comments, blog post authors and create a new blog posts which can be assigned to any author.
The premium forum module enables you to integrate a fully functioning community forum from within the article directory script. This is an ideal tool to help create extra content from article authors.
From within the forum management module, the article directory administrator is able to create unlimited forums and sub forums. Create forum notices that can be assigned to any or all forums. The administrator can also administrate forum threads and forums posts here.
The monetize management module gives the web-site administrator the option to control monetization methods and settings from within the article directory script administrator dashboard.
Decide which monetization channels are enabled and set the revenue share percentages offered to article authors and upgraded article authors. The revenue share option can also be completely disabled from within this section.
With the users management module, every aspect of your web-site user database can be controlled from within your administrator control panel.
Search the users database via date joined, email, name, username or further search via active, pending, banned, upgraded or today's users. Edit any user information, upgrade or downgrade users manually, ban any user and send individual users emails from within this section.
Administrators can also manually create a new user from within the user management section.
Any registered user may also pay to upgrade their own account via their user control panel to gain access to any upgraded user benefits you may have offered. This could included access to premium only content or to take advantage of upgraded user revenue share percentages.
With the persistence of today's spammers, we have added a security module to the article directory script.
The security module section allows administrators to create unlimited anti-spam security questions/answers that will be randomly selected when a site visitor registers or uses any of your web-site contact forms. We recommend changing these security questions on a regular basis plus adding as many as possible.
Plus for the more persistent spammers, the option is available to completely ban access from their IP address, all site visitors IP address's are logged.
As with most of the article directory's options the choice to enable or disable these is available from within the security settings area
Every module installed on your article directory script will have a corresponding settings management section within the settings module.
From within the settings management module click on a module, for example, article settings and then control every aspect of your article site.
The variety of options for each section is comprehensive making the article directory script one of the most customizable scripts available today.
The support module creates an integrated user support system that includes a support ticket system, a frequently asked question section and a web-site knowledge base.
From within this section the article directory administrator is able to create unlimited support categories, receive and reply to support tickets sent by the web-site users.
The knowledge base section allows the article directory administrator to create information snippets that can be used in the knowledge base and also assigned as frequently asked questions.
The themes module allows the article directory site administrator to easily change the look and feel of their web-site with the click of a button.
The themes settings area allows a fantastic level of customization for your article directory script. from new font styles to web-site colors and everything in between.
A theme generator is also available as a premium plugin, which allows the web-site administrator to easily create new themes with zero coding knowledge, the created themes will then show up inside the themes module section
One of the most important parts of running an online web-site is user management and the users management module does just that.
From within the users management section, the web-site administrator is able to manually create new users, upgrade users, ban users, delete users, edit user profiles, make users into moderators and send emails to individual users or bulk.
The widgets management module is another new feature in version 5 of the article directory script, this section allow the web-site administrator to visually re-position site content (widgets) to different locations around various web pages.
The widgets section user interface allows for true drag and drop functionality, just drag content widgets into the new location you require and the content will then be displayed in that location on the web-site front end.